Transform Your Body and Mind: Discover the Benefits of being Fit!

With our powerful personal training system, you can transform your body, lose weight, increase muscle, and achieve ultimate health and confidence.

Our cutting-edge approach to fitness is designed specifically to help you reach your goals quickly and easily, no matter where you are on your journey.

Whether you're new to exercise or a seasoned pro, we'll give you the support and guidance you need to succeed.

So if you're ready for a total body transformation that will leave you feeling better than ever, sign up for our personal training program today!

Total body transformation

 Improve confidence

 Gain muscle

 Lose fat .. for good!

 Decrease stress & sleep better!

About us

I have been a Personal Trainer for many years & helped hundreds of clients look, feel & move better! From dropping a couple of pounds to total body transformations, I’m here to help!

Our mission

Our mission is to help as many busy men and women as possible be the best version of themselves. We aim to improve mindset, confidence and physiques helping you to create better habits to get you there with ease!


Nathan -

Before I started Improve Fitness, I was trying to get fit but struggling to stick to anything. I had no structure which made me very lazy!

My main concern was my lack of personal confidence. I realised I'd made the right choice right from the first workout, it was hard work but plenty of fun and very motivating.

So far, after my first 6 weeks I've lost around 7kg, improved my fitness levels and have felt happier than I did before. I'd recommend Improve Fitness to absolutely everybody who is wanting to lose weight and have fun along the way.

I am really glad I took part in these 6 weeks! It's been absolutely amazing and I can't wait to continue on.

Sarah -

Before I started I was unfit and lacked confidence. My main aim was to lose weight and get fitter!

I realised I'd made the right choice when I did a few classes and realised there was no judgement at all and it was tailored to my fitness level so I could build it at my own pace!

During my time at Improve Fitness I have lost 5 stone and managed to keep it off! I have improved my fitness and don't get out of breath when going for a walk with friends anymore!

I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to make a change and feels nervous in a gym environment.

Dom -

Before I started Improve Fitness, I was feeling sluggish and my body was sore with not being as active!

I realised I'd made the right move straight away, the sessions were hard, but enjoyable and the people in them helped push you on which was great!

I have lost weight, improved my fitness, got a lot more energy and am no longer sore when moving!

I'd recommend anyone who wants to make a positive change and isnt sure what they are doing in a gym! Also if someone wants to enjoy the social side of the gym it's great for this as well as there are social events put on every couple of months!

Michael -

Before I started Improve Fitness, I was feeling sluggish and my body was sore with not being as active!

I realised I'd made the right move straight away, the sessions were hard, but enjoyable and the people in them helped push you on which was great!

I have lost weight, improved my fitness, got a lot more energy and am no longer sore when moving!

I'd recommend anyone who wants to make a positive change and isnt sure what they are doing in a gym! Also if someone wants to enjoy the social side of the gym it's great for this as well as there are social events put on every couple of months!

James -

The idea of group sessions (SGPT) was initially daunting to me and there is a sense of anxiety associated with it incase you embarrass yourself or are judged by others so to speak. I quickly realized however that the facilities provide a working space so that each individual can work at their own capabilities and the notion that the gym would allow an egocentric environment was ill-founded. The opposite couldn’t be more true in that the sense of camaraderie amongst members is ever present as, even though we may have different goals, we share similar objectives and motivate each other to achieve personal targets.

I think from the moment I joined I knew subconsciously I had made the right choice. I trusted the knowledge and expertise of the coaches and that kept me going in the early stages. The mindset that I had begun to make a positive change instantly improved my mentality and only provided further motivation. As time went on and I could see and feel physical changes I felt more assured in my choice to join Improve Fitness.

In my first 6 weeks I lost 5.5kg and the improvements to my mental health and general physical health cannot be understated and are invaluable which is key. These results can’t simply be measured but I feel healthier, stronger, motivated and more confident as a result.


Meet Your Expert Body Transformation Coach!

Ian Mcculloch

I'm Ian 37 from Belfast, I played sport all through school and until about 5 or 6 years ago where I had to stop due to needing a hip replacement! I've always enjoyed fitness and want to help as many people as I can get fitter, stronger and healthier becoming the absolute best versions of themselves.